Friday, November 2, 2012

Lessons Learnt from Recent Hurricanes and Climate Change

Respected Brothers / Sisters! 

Peace be upon you
Hope this post finds you in happy times.  Please share/distribute the flyer and post with your friends.

He has created man; He has taught him intelligent speech. The sun and the moon follow courses exactly computed; and the plants and the trees, bow in adoration. The Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance, in order that you may not transgress due balance.” Holy Qur’an: (55: 3-8)

We all are living in a situation of chaos / confusion and different interpretations of Catastrophes occurring around us. And when it comes to look into our own lifestyles, we all find excuses.
Islam is about basics like :- More Giving, less Spending, Zero wastage. Islam says don't waste Food or Water. But what about the natural resources like Petrol / Coal / Electricity which we are consuming beyond needs unknowingly, and that is leading to Severe Climate Change around us, which ultimately would possibly come to haunt us in one form or the other. Look at the most modern city "New York" flooded and still waiting for restoration of Power and Transport?
Qur'an commands believers to maintain balance in society and environment, and to not indulge in breaking the balance. Qur'an also commands us to endure or be content with changes in situations / weatherQur'an also commands us to look to the inferiors, before aspiring something Big. Yet after knowing all of these
  • We break balance in society by hoarding wealth, depriving poor of their fair share.
  • We break balance in Environment by wasting Natural resources like Coal-powered Electricity, Cooking gas, Petrol etc
  • We are least endurant to weather changes and simply resorts to Air Conditioners or heaters, while Allah has given us alternatives like Sweaters for winters and Fans for Summers.
  • We are a Man in haste. The moment our business is settled, we look for Buying New Cars and Costly Big Homes on Loans, Not content with the alternatives provided to us. ( like Option of Public transport/Buying Old Cars/Renting apartment near Masjid etc)
If We remember, 10 years back we used to use manual means for everything, which kept us busy and healthy like
  • Going on Bicycles or On-foot, 
  • using manual Floor sweepers, 
  • Washing Clothes by hands, 
  • Using Sun to dry clothes etc.

"Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind"
What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"- Henry David Thoreau
 "Civilization is a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities."- Mark Twain
"The amount of sunshine energy that hits the surface of the Earth every minute is greater than the total amount of energy that the world's human population consumes in a year!(Home Power Magazine)
"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." Chief Seattle (full text of his 1854 treaty oration)
"In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations."- From The Great Law of The Iroquois Confederacy
"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." John C. Sawhill
Saving electricity doesn't just save money, it also saves the environment. This is news to a lot of people. After all, when you plug something into the wall, it seems clean enough -- you don't see or smell any pollution, like you do with your car. But the pollution is there -- it just happens at the power plant. Most electricity is generated by burning coal and other fossil fuels. Every time you turn on the lights, you create a little pollution.  In fact, the average home pollutes more than the average car! . So saving electricity doesn't just put money in your pocket, it helps keep the air and water clean, too.
The legendary James Hansen, one of the first scientists to sound the alarm about global warming way back in the 80's, recently said that the real key to preventing climate change is reducing home energy use. That's because, as he says, we can't stop the oil from being burned for transport, since if we don't use it, another country will. But we can certainly stop burning our own country's coal. And the quickest way to reduce coal emissions by 50%, is to reduce our electricity consumption by 50%. 
Electric power plants are a major source of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide. The temperature increases caused by green house gas build up in the atmosphere have the potential of damaging life in the sea, increasing the strength and frequency of storms and coastal flooding
Smart driving habits reduces your car's emissions.
Driving less doesn't mean you have to stay home. Try combining driving with alternative modes of transportation:
1. Carpool.
2. Walk or ride a bicycle.
3. Shop by phone or mail.
4. Ride public transit.
5. Telecommute.
Driving smart keeps pollution at a minimum. *
6. Accelerate gradually. 7. Use cruise control on the highway. 8. Obey the speed limit. 9. Combine your errands into one trip. 10. Keep your car tuned and support the smog check program. 11. Don't top off at the gas pumps. 12. Replace your car's air filter. 13. Keep your tires properly inflated. 14. What about smoking vehicles? Contact the EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards.
* What you do when you are stuck in traffic and not "driving" can be very important as well. Consider turning your engine off if you will be idling for long periods of time. ....
15. When shopping for your next car, look for the most efficient, lowest polluting model--or even use either a non-polluting car or zero emission vehicle. 
16. Select products that are water-based or have low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
17. Use water-based paints. Look for paints labeled "zero-VOC."
18. Paint with a brush, not a sprayer.
19. Store solvents in air-tight containers.
20. Use a push or electric lawn mower.
 21. Start your barbecue briquettes with an electric probe, or use a propane or natural gas barbecue.
Save Energy
Saving energy helps reduce air pollution. Whenever you burn fossil fuel, you pollute the air. Use less gasoline, natural gas, and electricity (power plants burn fossil fuels to generate electricity):
22. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
23. Replace energy hungry incandescent lights with fluorescent lighting. 
24. Check with your utility company for energy conservation tips, like purchasing energy saving appliances.
25. Use a thermostat that automatically turns off the air conditioner or heater when you don't need them.
26. Add insulation to your home.
27. Use a fan instead of air conditioning.
 28. Use an EPA-approved wood burning stove or fireplace insert.
 29. Heat small meals in a microwave oven.
 30. Insulate your water heater.
 31. Install low flow showerheads.
32. Dry your clothes on a clothesline.
Waste Not
It takes energy to make and sell the products we use. Here are ways to cut energy use, reduce air pollution, and save money.
33. Choose recycled products. 
34. Choose products with recyclable packaging.
35. Reuse paper bags. 
36. Recycle paper, plastics, and metals.
37. Print and photocopy on both sides of the paper.
Watch Out For The Small Stuff
When you breathe, very small particles -- such as dust, soot, and acid droplets -- can slip past your lung's natural defense system. These particles get stuck deep in your lungs and may cause problems -- more asthma attacks, bronchitis and other lung diseases, decreased resistance to infections, and even premature death for the elderly or sick. Here are a few things you can do to reduce particulate matter pollution and protect yourself:
38. Don't use your wood stove or fireplace on days with unhealthy air.
39. Avoid using leaf blowers and other types of equipment that raise a lot of dust. Use a rake or broom instead.
40. Drive slowly on unpaved roads.
 41. Drive less, particularly on days with unhealthy air.
42. Avoid vigorous physical activity on days with unhealthy air.
Know The Inside Story
Air pollution is a problem indoors and out. Most people spend at least 80 percent of their lives indoors. Here are some ways you can reduce pollution in your home, office or school:
43. Don't smoke. Send smokers outside.
44. Products such as cleaning agents, paints, and glues often contain harmful chemicals. Use them outdoors or with plenty of ventilation indoors.
45. Use safer products, such as baking soda instead of harsher chemical cleaners.
46. Don't heat your home with a gas cooking stove.
47. Have your gas appliances and heater regularly inspected and maintained.
48. Clean frequently to remove dust and molds.
Visit the EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page for more information.
Speak Up For Clean Air
Do what you can to reduce air pollution. It will make a difference. Use your civic influence to improve regional and national air pollution standards:
49. Write to your local newspaper. Support action for healthy air. 50. Let your elected representative know you support action for clean air.

1 comment:

  1. Simple trick to cut your power bill by 75%:

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